Jake, Nick and Sydney started back to school today in East Lansing. Sydney started kindergarten, Jake in 3rd grade and Nick in 6th grade. It was just a half day, but it started the routine back in the mornings - thank Goodness!
My baby, Sydney, started in kindergarten today and I went along with her for her orientation. She is going to be just FINE. She was working her way through the stations and eyeing up the play kitchen to play with for another day (free play). Her teacher seems young and enthusiastic - she will need it! Then, it was off for the final school supplies - I cannot believe the amount of money I have had to dole out. Nick even had to have a flash drive - that seems early to me - in sixth grade??!
It was a nice weekend full of home repairs, movies, yard work, laundry and naps. I didn't get to nap - but Scott did. I guess he did do most of the yard work - and put a muffler on his old truck. I got to start alot of craft projects for the show in October. It made me feel like I was getting it done!
I will post more of the show goodies later. SUE